My personal journey into filmmaking

Margherita Bruscolini
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

It has been almost one year since Covid-19 pandemic said “hi there!” for the first time.

Among the terrible things it brought, I personally discovered a new and fascinating passion: filmmaking.

My first Short Film

My first Short Film is called QUARANTINE and it was born by my deep need of creativity in the difficult times of lock-down, when we have been forced to stay at home for several months, even with the sun outside that called you.

Here you can clearly see my lack of experience, but it’s still a nice memory.

Everything was shot somewhere near Urbino, Italy (Marche) between March and May 2020, and the music is by the brilliant Ben Cooper, known as Radical Face (“Missing film”).

My music as soundtrack

Then, I tried to integrate my video with the music I recorded, starting with a cover of Video games by Lana del Rey and roofs.

This was filmed one random week day in May, in Canavaccio, Italy (Marche).

Do you know that trembling feeling of peace and freedom that only a pale landscape during sunset can give you?

I felt in love with the stillness of roofs and buildings in general (better if old and fierce).

Then, I started exploring the power of subtitles in videos, melted with my new passion for black and white photography.

After few months I had the idea to translate in video an essay I wrote back when I was 18 and I thought could be a great translation of my mental health during quarantine.

“L’aria leggera, gli occhi pieni di tutta questa bellezza, cammineremo verso orizzonti sconfinati. Oh, puoi starne sicuro amico mio, sarà così”.

Moving abroad during the Pandemic

In august 2020 I moved from Urbino, my home town in Italy, to Luxembourg.

My first short film entirely shot in my tiny colorful new home. It was born during a particularly emotional late evening, shortly after 10 p.m., when the amazing song by The Cinematic Orchestra got to my ears and made me think of what Familiar ground really means.

October arrived and it was time for another short film, entirely shot in Luxembourg. It’s the tale of my first Autumn in the new country and the music was realised by me, inspired by the amazing music I was listening.

I’m glad Covid-19 made me discover the art of video making, one of the greatest passion ever, and made me realised that I can eventually find peace experimenti with my creative inner core, normally hidden.

I surely have so much work to do to improve the quality (especially in the technical details) of the final videos but I’m happy to embrace the feeling of being a student once again and to continue being inspired and fascinated by the little details the World is made of 🌍

If you use Vimeo, here’s my profile.

Let’s embrace our inner creativity!



Margherita Bruscolini

Earth Scientist, Drone Pilot | Product manager @GLOBHE | Here I talk about geospatial technologies, sustainability, climate change & feminism